With Intention To Receive | Words From Kate

Generally speaking, I am not a New Year's Resolution-oriented person. However, I do like to hold space for a theme that I can lean into each year. This year I had a lot going on during the holiday season as I was still healing from illness and I didn't take intentional time to write, think, and daydream about my new year theme... and yet, as I was reading the other day, my theme arrived so clearly it was like a light bulb went off inside of me. 

“It is comfortable and easy for us to talk about making peace, making love, giving love, giving action out into the world. It is a much more difficult thing to put oneself into a humble stance and receive that love, receive peace into one's own heart and being.” Lynn Andrews  

I realized that receiving is one of my themes for this year. As most of you know, I am a doer and a giver; both traits that I love about myself. However, the passage above brought to my attention how little I have allowed myself to receive and, maybe more importantly, to know that I am worthy of receiving peace, love, joy, etc. Yes, I do know that I am loved! I know I am so very lucky and blessed with all the people in my life who love me, and yet I am not sure I have truly ever allowed myself to fully receive that love into my heart and being. Even as I write this, I notice how I feel more vulnerable and present when I am allowing myself to receive.

In the process of considering this new year theme for myself, I have come to admit that I am not really sure I even know how to truly receive. What is it like to fully feel love when someone says, "I love you?" How can I authentically connect to the gratitude coming from another saying, "thank you?" What does it look like to allow the peace of nature to permeate through my being? These exciting questions are mine to lean into in 2023! I am guessing this is why my inner wisdom turned on the light bulb.

What is your theme for this new year?

